Surely you like it play PS 2 (Play Station 2)? Well now no need to bother buying ps2 if you want to play. Provided that you have no PC spec tolerable at best, we stayed install ps emulator program wrote his tapes PS I'll be going around in your computer. Indeed many other emulator2 program that's out there. But I find that recomended wrote and a lot has makeup. Okay, name Pcsx2_0.9.4 program. But before you proceed, make sure your computer / laptop has a high specification to be able to play the game. Particularly its mandatory dedicated VGA card.
Immediately install ps2 emulator Pcsx2_0.9.4 way.
How to Install PS2 Emulator Pcsx2_0.9.4
1. Download PS2 Emulator Pcsx2_0.9.4 below:
DOWNLOAD LINK - Indowebster (14:23 MB)
2. Extract
PS2 Emulator Pcsx2_0.9.4
3. Open launcher pscx2 (there is a folder in the palace Pscx2_0.9.4)
launcher pscx2
4. Then select Config >> Configure >> Set Set BIOS Plugins directory same directory, if at all pictures ane love it already to setting smua, if in ane-ane has definitely still on empty.
5. Set Plugins Directory: select the folder where agan nyimpen pscxnya earlier, then plih folder named "plugins"
6. Set BIOS Directory: same like point 5, but select the folder named "bios" Then click "OK" dah
7. pscx agan should already be in run it, run live CD / DVD wrote (see figure 4)
run cd / dvd
8. How to run CD / DVD:
* If ISOnya who already have a file just select the ISO file you want aja agan maenin
* Kalo yg blum has lived way enter agan tapes to dvd ps 2 CD-rom, if you've lived kebaca make ISO filesnya aja (Must have apps that UltraISO or the like), wait until ISO filesnya so, if you've lived maen to select the ISO file where the file was agan nyimpen
run cd / dvd
* Additional: if agan've made ISOnya tapes dvd ane udah gk ps2 needed anymore, so if mo maen just select the file ISonya aja
9. Pscx suggested this in good use in computer berSPEC, soalnye ane ane yg maen dikompi standaran, 80-90% CPU directly Usagenya jd little lag (little doang kok)
PICT if already successful (here ane love the example WE 10)
winning eleven ps emulator
winning eleven ps2 emulator
PS2 Emulator Runs smoothly in:
Proc: Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU E5800@3.20GHz x 2 (3.20GHz)
RAM: 2.0 GB
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series (PS3.0/VS3.0)
Recomended spec PC to run Game PS2 Emulator
Core 2 Duo/I3 @ 3.2 Ghz
VGA min. GForce 8800 GT
RAM min. 2Gb for WinXP
Okay good luck and play PS2 on your computer with PS Emulator.
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